Professional Services Process Modelling and Optimization

Enabling understanding and visibility of OKRs across organization

Hierarchical Structure

Establish vertical hierarchy of mid- and short term objectives, define and visualize horizontal intersections, measure progress and value of each team's contribution towards the common goal.

Cross-Team Kanban Boards

Provide real-time insights in projects state, facilitates collaboration between cross-functional teams and drive strategic alignment.

Role-Based Workspaces

Every issue that arises will be explained in detail. It’s time to start planning your adventures.

Process Steps

Step #1

Current State Audit

Detailed audit of current business practices, workflows, and systems across all departments

Step #2

Identifying Inefficiencies

Identify Areas for Improvement: process bottlenecks, redundant actions and inefficiencies within the current operations

Step #3

Stakeholder Engagement

Collaborate with department heads and staff to understand specific roles, responsibilities, and procedures

Step #4

Developing Project Documentation

Develop and document clear, actionable, and streamlined SOPs for each business segment (sales, marketing, finance, operations, etc.)

Step #5

Ensuring Alignment and Compliance

Ensure all SOPs are aligned with industry best practices and regulatory standards where applicable.

Step #5

Implementing Optimized Processes

Implementing target state processes that improve productivity, accuracy, and scalability.

Step #6

Training and Onboarding

Provide training or guidance on implementing new procedures to ensure smooth adoption and compliance