Prioritization methodology of choice can be applied. Scoring formula can be executed with an automation rule.
One of the most popular frameworks is WSJF (Weighted Shortest Job First) from agile and SAFe methodologies; other options are T-short sizes, work hours estimation, etc.
Demand Management is the Foundation of Successful PPM
Mature accepted Ideas, evaluate by your custom criteria, prioritize and approve for implementation.
Empower employees with 360 visibility at all levels
Objectives & Key Results
Establish vertical hierarchy of mid- and short term objectives, define and visualize horizontal intersections, measure progress and value of each team's contribution towards the common goal.
Sets of ross-functional of Kanban Boards
Provide real-time insights in projects state, facilitates collaboration between cross-functional teams and drive strategic alignment.
Role-Based Dashboards
Every issue that arises will be explained in detail. It’s time to start planning your adventures.
Platform Capabilities
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Demand Management is the Foundation of Successful PPM
Mature accepted Ideas, evaluate by your custom criteria, prioritize and approve for implementation.
Prioritization methodology of choice can be applied. Scoring formula can be executed with an automation rule. One of the most popular frameworks is WSJF (Weighted Shortest Job First) from agile and SAFe methodologies; other options are T-short sizes, work hours estimation, etc.
Demand Management Workflow Steps
Step #1
Demand Draft
An idea is pre-selected and submission process starts with filling out relevant form on ideas portal
Step #2
Demand Submitted
Once demand form is filled and submitted for review, approvers and deadlines are automatically assigned. Notifications are sent out.
Step #3
Demand Under Review
Approvers get notified about pending review task. It is a paradise Approval process automation engine can support even very complex business logic.
Step #4
Demand Scoring
Approvers assign a set of scores within their area of expertise, which contribute to total final score.
Step #5
Demand can be approved and moved to PI backlog, returned for additional investigation or rejected / archived.