Strategic Project and Portfolio Management

Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM) tools empower both your business and technical teams to manage work more swiftly and effectively, irrespective of the delivery approach: be it traditional, agile, or hybrid. SPM tools offer real-time tracking and management of every facet of your team's tasks. Whether it's project managers, scrum masters, or team members, they all have immediate access to the most recent data on tasks, enabling them to consistently monitor progress, handle tasks, and update timesheets.

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Pre-configures Modules for Each Stage of PPM Lifecycle

These preconfigured solutions rely on combination of best practices in modern application of most popular PM frameworks -  Agile, SAFe, lean and traditional waterfall. 

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Demand Management is the Foundation of Successful PPM

The combination of Jira with Confluence and couple more Marketplace apps have the potential to provide much more than managing software development projects. This is an ideal toolset for those organizations who are looking to maximize their return on IT stack invesments.