Unlock seamless collaboration and productivity with Intranet on Atlassian Platform

Bring together all communications, content, people, and apps used by your teams

Business Analytics Services

Ensuring that your digital solutions align with your specific business objectives and addresses any existing gaps.


  • Talent development program linked to skills matrix
  • Career progression paths built around business goals
  • Automated pulse surveys on employee satisfaction
  • Trainings plan and certification schedule streamlined
  • Curated process of defining individual goals and coaching
  • On-demand feedback and  performance review tools

Browse HR applications >>

  • Recruitment strategy informed by projects pipeline
  • Streamlined remote onboarding process 
  • GDPR compliant automated candidate screening
  • Ad-hoc recruitment status reports
  • Talent market and hiring success analytics

Browse recruitment applications >>


  • Marketing and sales process integrated 
  • Landing pages and request forms 
  • Lead generation, nurturing and scoring
  • Marketing project management integrated with product release timeline 
  • Project budget and expense tracking
  • Contractor and vendor management platform
  • Collaborative text content creation and pre-scheduled publishing
  • Visual content and whiteboard tools integrated


  • Convert prospect to opportunity and contact card
  • Opportunity scoring and prioritization matrix
  • Streamlined communication with prospect and client
  • Automated renewal and invoicing
  • Transparent upsell pipeline through integrated account management and customer support system

See CRM application >>


  • Marketing and sales process integrated 
  • Landing pages and request forms 
  • Lead generation, nurturing and scoring
  • Marketing project management integrated with product release timeline 
  • Project budget and expense tracking
  • Contractor and vendor management platform
  • Collaborative text content creation and pre-scheduled publishing
  • Visual content and whiteboard tools integrated


  • Convert prospect to opportunity and contact card
  • Opportunity scoring and prioritization matrix
  • Streamlined communication with prospect and client
  • Automated renewal and invoicing
  • Transparent upsell pipeline through integrated account management and customer support system

See CRM application >>

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
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  • Time based and milestone based project budgeting
  • Revenue, costs and cashflow projections based on demand pipeline
  • Auto tracking of budget consumption based on timesheets, resource rates, milestones achieved, approvals, etc. 
  • Automated cost allocation to accounts and custom categories 
  • Benefit realization in real time, A/R tracking, revenue recognition, margin control

See finance reports and dashboards >>

Platform Capabilities

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Prioritization methodology of choice can be applied. Scoring formula can be executed with an automation rule. One of the most popular frameworks is  WSJF (Weighted Shortest Job First) from agile and SAFe methodologies; other options are T-short sizes, work hours estimation, etc. 
Enterprise architecture (EA) capabilities help you get a clear view into organization's technology landscape, empowering leaders to make informed business decisions around business initiatives, extract more value from the supporting tools and deliver powerful outcomes.

Demand Management is the Foundation of Successful PPM

Mature accepted Ideas, evaluate by your custom criteria, prioritize and approve for implementation.

Data Governance

Developing and implementing Data Governance Framework for Your Organization Build bridges across your tech tools. information concepts and solutions and distributed teams practices. The Need for Data Governance The rise of modern cloud-based solutions with overlapping functions has led...

Prioritization methodology of choice can be applied. Scoring formula can be executed with an automation rule. One of the most popular frameworks is WSJF (Weighted Shortest Job First) from agile and SAFe methodologies; other options are T-short sizes, work hours estimation, etc.

Example of Project Scenario

Step #1

Business Blueprint

Analysis of business long term goals and operational short term objectives; Identifying opportunities and constrains of both internal and external natura. Defining core Value streams and capabilities. Defining KPIs to measure business performance; identifying sources of relevant data.

Step #2

Organizational Model

Explore current organizational structure and culture, level of alignment around business goals, pain points and interests of all stakeholder groups. Creating Stakeholder map, decision making and approvals processes, and governance plan.

Step #3

Business Process Analysis

Capturing existing processes and creating process diagrams using BPMN 2.0 standard. identifying opportunities for improvement, and prioritizing them based on relative impact on the bottom line and expected time to value.

Step #4

Change Management and Communication Plan

Choosing and adapting change management methodology. Identifying best practices, trends and benchmarks in the industry. Setting up project steering comity. Identifying potential ambassadors and forming pilot groups for initial requirements gathering / validation and solution testing.

Step #5

Implementation Schedule

Present the solution design/demo and implementation plan to all stakeholders, ensure that buy-in and alignment are achieved. Sign off project budget, schedule, milestones & deliverables.

Step #6

Rollout and MVP Testing

Building the solution modules and test them with pilot user groups, make adjustment. Deploy all modules in live environment, conduct full scale solution test, sign off acceptance documents.

Step #7

Teams Enablement

Conduct employee onboarding and live trainings and workshops. Facilitate feedback and address any concerns. Finalize user guides and tech documentation.

Call to Action

Start using this style on your WordPress sites and make your site more flexible. 

Beautiful Landing Page with Elements

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.
It is a paradisematic country, in which