Affiliate Marketing Service Agency Expands their 2-Sided Marketplace Capabilities

Case Study Path to Scalability for Affiliate Marketing Service Agency Dynamic Business Blending Elements of Service-First Business and Two-B2B Sided Marketplace which took action at a right time. Overcoming Operational Constrains In order to embracing the unique market opportunity, company leaders decided to invest into a solid foundation for their …

Affiliate Marketing Management

Process Template for Affiliate Marketing Project Management Integrating affiliate marketing software with existing systems can be complex and time-consuming. Inconsistent tracking from multiple solutions leads to data discrepancies and hinders optimization. The last-click attribution model misses the full customer journey, undervaluing affiliates’ contributions and skewing compensation.​ Common Challenges of Managing …

Professional Services

Business Solutions Consulting Services enabled by blend of deep business and operational expertise, best practices and methodologies excellence,  and Atlassian tools technical know-how  Services for Solving Common Business Challenges No Centralized Tracking System There is no single platform where the status of a new hire’s onboarding can be tracked. This …